1st Sunday of Advent, HOPE, “Preparing the Heart”

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This Sunday, December 3rd, marks the beginning of the season of Advent. Advent is a sacred time in our Church year marked by a spirit of expectation, preparation, and of longing. It is a time when we wait for the coming of Christ. This is a season of hope and possibility, where we are reminded that God enters our lives again and again in new ways.

On the Sundays of Advent at Westmount we will be exploring what it means to “Prepare the Way” for the Christ-child. John the Baptist prepared the way, echoing the words of the prophets, who said, “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” John, even today, calls us as baptizing people to proclaim the advent of God’s kingdom. Join us as we celebrate the grace, peace and hope of the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas.

On this 1st Sunday of Advent, December 3rd, the Sunday of HOPE, we will gather to “Prepare the Heart” to welcome Christ. Join us on this sacred journey.

All of us need hope. Real hope. Not platitudes or cheerful sentiment. We need for something to feel more powerful than the forces that rage around us. In the midst of anxiety, we want that promise from John that all shall see the salvation of God.  This week we will explore what it means to HOPE as Christians.

We will work, step by step along the path to Bethlehem, to the manger, to prepare our whole selves for the rebirth.  First, we will prepare our heart, we will open it to make a home for Christ to come in and dwell within us.




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