WPC Worship June 4, 2023
June 4, 2023

WPC Worship June 4, 2023


No, it’s not Elvis tribute morning at Westmount. (Although there are a few among us who would consider the merit of that) We’re looking at self-control. It’s what God promises to bring us when we commit to walking with the Spirit.
Elvis is the epitome of losing self control And not all in a bad way. The way he moved and sang broke free of all forms of social control. It frightened religious people because it was so free and unrestrained. It started a musical and cultural revolution that continues today.
But losing control was also the death of him. He couldn’t control his appetite for different things and there were consequences.
And so it’s clear that we all need some kind of control in our lives to arrive at a healthy balance. It’s what God promises when we walk with the Spirit.

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