WPC Worship Sept 10, 2023
September 10, 2023

WPC Worship Sept 10, 2023

This is the cross that hangs at the front of our sanctuary here at Westmount church. There’s no perspective in the image below, but the cross is about 14 feet high and 7 feet across. It’s quite beautiful and bursts with warmth and colour.

Recently we noticed that Jesus wasn’t shining quite as brightly as he used to. It turns out the lighting fixtures behind needed some upgrading, and now Jesus is all lit up again.

It’s a metaphor for me. What do we do when Jesus starts to fade? In our families, our churches, our country? Answer: we do everything we can to light him back up. If we’re Christian, we take the attitude that a Jesus that isn’t shining is simply not acceptable. So, have we done everything we can do? Have you?

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