Staff & Leadership

For a pastoral care emergency, please email Reverend Tim at You can also contact a church elder or leave a message on the church answering machine (519-472-3443). The church answering machine is checked Monday through Friday and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Reverend Tim Raeburn-Gibson  -  Minister

 I was ordained the first week of January 2000; the first ordination in the Presbyterian Church in Canada of the new millennium! (that has to mean something) In October of 2022 I was called to Westmount church. Kimberley assumed the position of Director of Music in November of that year.

Kimberley and I came from First Presbyterian in Collingwood where I served as minister for 23 years. We love the city of London. Our daughter Haven is currently in her third year at King’s college at Western. We have three other adult children and as of November of 2024 we have two wonderful granddaughters!

I love music in all shapes and forms. I made a living as a touring club musician through most of my 20s. I love running, good food, fellowshipping with family and friends, finding ways to laugh and have fun, and being a part of leading a church that emphasizes friendship and the strength of community.

Kimberley and I are well into our third year here and are thrilled with how the church has grown. And we continue to have high hopes for the months to come. When we partner with God, receiving what God gives us and then giving back to the people around us, all things are possible!


Kimberley Raeburn-Gibson  -  Director of Music Ministries

I was born in Collingwood, Ontario. I began formal piano studies at the age of five. As a teenager I added vocal to my studies, and soon worked with William Aide and Roxolana Roslak at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Upon completion of a degree at the Faculty of Music at University of Toronto, I moved to Vancouver for a ‘Western phase’ and studied voice with Margarita Noye. After satisfying my thirst for the ‘West’ I moved back to Collingwood and began teaching, accompanying and directing music.

During that time I met and married Rev. Tim, and like the Brady Bunch, our two families became one! Our children Ian (Leanne), Katya, Taylor (Liene) and Haven range in age from 21 – 34, and we have one beautiful granddaughter, Grace!

In 2022, we made the decision to follow our youngest daughter Haven to London as she attended King’s University College at Western. We took a leap of faith that there would be a call for us in London, and are overjoyed to now be in worship leadership at Westmount Presbyterian. God has a plan. I am passionate about doing blended worship where there are musical offerings to satisfy all tastes, and I’m happy to plug people into music ministries whether it be through choir or
solo offerings.

Feel free to contact me if you have talents you would like to contribute!


Rachelle Goebel  -  Director of Children's Ministries

We are thrilled to have Rachelle Goebel as our Director of Children's Ministries. This is a position that continues to grow our Sunday morning children's ministry at Westmount Church, and and initiates direction of Vacation Bible Camps and Burning Bush Theatre service presentations.

Rachelle is an energetic presence and comes with a wealth of experience working with children. She grew up attending Westmount Church from the age of 4, and moved to Toronto to complete a joint degree/diploma program in Theatre and Drama Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga and Sheridan College. She now joins Westmount church following an 8 year career as a children's entertainer, and has many talents to share that include both music and drama. She is passionate about painting, graphic design, flute, and singing. Rachelle looks forward to meeting new families and welcoming their children!


Sandra Swartz  -  Office Administrator

Sandra joins Westmount Presbyterian following a 20-year career at King's University College at Western University. Away from work, Sandra spends time in the swimming pool doing both aqua aerobics and laps; as well as spending time with family and friends, and relearning crafts such as knitting and crocheting. She is in charge of the daily management of the office, social media, and parts of the website and communications.

Pat Boyle  -  Custodian
Pat Boyle was born and raised in Clandyboye, Ontario. He is a retired factory worker and married for 29 years to one of Westmount's church members. He enjoys puzzles, entering contests and golfing when he's not keeping busy at the church.

Jill Barker  -  Clerk of Session


"…They returned to Lystra, then on to Iconium and Antioch. There they strengthened the souls of the disciples and encouraged them to continue in the faith… And after they had appointed elders for them in each church, with prayer and fasting they entrusted them to the Lord in whom they had come to believe." – Acts 14:21-23

Our congregation is led by our minister, Rev. Tim Raeburn-Gibson, staff, and our
volunteer church leadership.

Presbyterians are known by the type of leadership they have. The Greek word presbuteros means elder and it is from this word that we get the word Presbyterian. We are ruled by elders. As one family under the lordship of Christ, Christian communities have organized themselves in a variety of ways to provide effective worship, pastoral care, discipleship, and service. While some Christians follow a model in which all decisions regarding theology and polity are decided by the individual congregation (congregational) and others abide by a hierarchical system of priests and bishops (episcopal), the Presbyterian form of government is based on eldership.

Teaching elders (usually referred to as ministers or pastors) and ruling elders (usually referred to as elders) share in the care and oversight of the ministry of Christ at every level of the Presbyterian church. The elder’s role is not limited to session meetings and district work. The overriding role is the task of leadership, of leading the congregation in terms of its fellowship, and its mission and ministry to the world. The collective role of elders acting together is greater than the sum of the individual elders in their pastoral work.

Our Session is made up of elders – ruling elders and the minister. Ruling elders are women and men who have been elected by the local congregation and ordained. The session provides for the overall ministry of the congregation, including pastoral care, worship, Christian education, stewardship, and mission. It has representation at presbytery. The minister, or teaching elder, acts as the moderator.