3rd Sunday of Advent (Dec 16): “Dashing to Spread Joy” – Order of Service

December 15, 2018 WPC Communications No comments exist

3rd Sunday of Advent & White Gift Sunday

Advent is a sacred time in our Church year marked by a spirit of expectation, preparation, and of longing. This is a season of hope and possibility, where we are reminded that God enters our lives again and again in new ways.

This Sunday, December 16 in worship we continue our journey through Advent, and our Advent Worship Series “Checking, Decking and Dashing” by exploring the theme of “Dashing to Spread Joy.”  This Advent we rethink how we approach Christmas and refocus on preparing our hearts, homes and lives for the coming of the Christ-child.  This Sunday we will light the Advent Candle of JOY and participate in an act of giving in worship to give gifts of unwrapped non-perishable food items to restock our WPC Food Pantry.  Please bring your item into worship as we will be collecting them as part of worship.  Through the Food Pantry we support families in need in London who are facing challenges with food security.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians  5: 16-24
Theme: Hospitality is a gift we all can give, and we can wrap the invitation in joy to deliver to all we meet.  We dash around to so many places during the holidays, but maybe we should dash with a specific purpose.  By sharing stories of community, we invite people to explore the joy that comes with being part of a place that welcomes.

Click below to view the Order of Service:

[gview file=”https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-2018-Advent-III.pdf”]

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