Author: WPC Communications

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Join us on this 3rd Sunday of Advent, December 15th at 10:30am at WPC as we continue our Advent journey together, celebrate Holy Communion and focus on the theme of JOY, lighting the candle of joy.  While Advent is a time of longing and waiting in the shadows for Christ to come, there’s also room for taking…

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Join us on this 2nd Sunday of Advent, December 8th at 10:30am at WPC as we continue our Advent journey together and focus on the theme of PEACE, lighting the candle of peace, a light to shine against the growing shadows of conflict and war.  This week we will explore how we can say yes to God…

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We invite you to join us at Westmount Presbyterian Church this month during the seasons of Advent and Christmas as we gather, grow and go together in our many areas of ministry and community events.   Click below to view our December listing of events, meetings and announcements: [gview file=””]

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Join us on Sunday, November 24th at 10:30am at WPC as we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the liturgical church year.  Next week we begin anew as we start our Advent journey.  This year Advent takes on several meanings for the congregation of Westmount PC.  With hope we anticipate the birth…

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Join us on Sunday, November 17th at 10:30am at WPC as we explore how we are stewards of all the gifts God has given us.  Stewardship is about money, and it is about much more.  God has formed us all as naturally creative resourceful and whole – may we live into the fullness and goodness of God….

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Join us on Sunday, November 10th at 10:30am at WPC, as we celebrate Remembrance Sunday.  We look forward to our student minister, Anita Evans, preaching the sermon. Nursery care will be offered as usual.  Children will spend their time together on Sunday baking for the Christmas Bazaar beginning at 10:30am in the small kitchen. This week’s message…