Join us on Sunday, May 26 at 10:30am, as we continue with our worship series called “Love Happens.” The message this week will focus on “Love Hurts” and Ephesians 4: 17-32. Theme: Love is not easy, in fact at times it is painful and difficult. As God’s children we are invited to speak the truth…
Join us on Sunday, May 19 at 10:30am, as we continue with our worship series called “Love Happens.” We go on a journey as we explore falling in love with partners, with God, community and with ourselves. Join us as we celebrate the seasons of love. The message this week will focus on “Falling in Love”…
Join us on Sunday, May 12 at 10:30am, as we begin a new worship series called “Love Happens.” We go on a journey as we explore falling in love with partners, with God, community and with ourselves. Join us as we celebrate the seasons of love. The message this week will focus on “First Dates” and…
Join us on Sunday, May 5 at 10:30am, as we continue to journey through the season of Easter and celebrate our 51st Anniversary. This Sunday we welcome our anniversary preacher, the Rev. Dr. David Thompson and the Jubilate Bell Choir from Metropolitan United Church. The message will focus on “Surfing Change!” Click below to view the…
Join us on Sunday, April 28 at 10:30am, as we continue to journey through the season of Easter and explore what it means to live with Easter faith as resurrection people. This Sunday we welcome guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Les Files. Click below to view the Order of Service for worship: [gview file=””]
We invite you to join us at Westmount Presbyterian Church this month as we gather, grow and go together in our many areas of ministry and community events. Click below to view our May listing of events, meetings and announcements: [gview file=””]
Join us on Easter morning, Sunday, April 21 at 10:30am, the day when God makes all things new and we receive new life. The service will focus on “Words of Salvation.” Click below to view the Order of Service for worship: [gview file=””]
Gather with us at WPC tomorrow morning on Good Friday, April 19 at 10:30am, for a dramatic service focused on “Words of Sacrifice” as we remember the day Jesus died for us in love, in order that we might receive new life. Click below to view the Order of Service for worship: [gview file=””]
Join us this evening, April 18 at 7pm, for the Maundy Thursday service as we continue to journey through Holy Week together. On this sacred evening we will gather around the Table as a community and remember the night when Jesus had his Last Supper with his friends and showed them what true friendship and…