Sunday November 6, 2022 at 10:30 am.
Get to know who’s who in your congregation. Westmount Presbyterian Church is encouraging the wearing of name tags in Church to help us recognize each other. Bring your own or, there will be stick on name tags by the sign-in sheets in the Narthex.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2022 – 1P.M. to 3P.M. We will have a scaled down version of our usual Tea Room, plus a Jewelry Table, Bake Table, Christmas Kitchen items and Nearly New and Gently used Christmas ornaments etc. Table, Knitting Table, and “Gourmet” Gift baskets draw. Your Donations of Jewelry, Baking, Items for the “Gourmet”…
We are happy to report that Presbytery has sustained the Call to Rev. Tim Raeburn-Gibson! God is moving in Westmount Church! It is with great thanksgivings that we officially welcome Rev. Tim and his family on Tuesday October 25 at 7pm for an induction service held by Presbytery at Westmount Church. Please join us for…
Greetings friends, members and adherents of Westmount, The Session of WPC is excited to report we are in the last stages of calling a new minister. It is with great thanks to the Search Team and to The Rev. Lynn Nichols for her guiding leadership that we are happy to report that the Search Team…

Regarding: resignation of interim moderator; emergency pastoral care info; the Annual Report 2020 questions and answers.

Regarding: memorial tree donation; thank you to property maintenance volunteers.

WPC Annual Report 2020, emailed to the congregation on April 28, 2021. AGM questions will be collected and then answered in a mass email.

Regarding: church sign repaired.

Regarding: preparatory work and the search for a new minister; annual report forthcoming.