Regarding: church reopening plans; the search for a new minister; recommendations from the Presbytery of London.

Regarding: church reopening plans; the search for a new minister; recommendations from the Presbytery of London.
Regarding: pastoral letter from the Moderator of the General Assembly.
Regarding: thank you to minister of pastoral care.
Regarding: a welcome and introduction from our new interim moderator.
Regarding: thank you to lead minister; appointment of co-interim moderators; and update on soloists.
Regarding: food donations; finance and stewardship; 2020 donation receipts.
Regarding: reopening plans; technology advancements; volunteering opportunities.
Regarding: summer task teams; results of congregational survey; reopening plans; technology; online worship.
Regarding: thanks from and for the Minister of Mission & Outreach.
Regarding: resignation of the Minister of Mission & Outreach.