“Franchising Leadership” – July 15 2018 Bulletin (Order of Service & Announcements)

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This Sunday we will continue to learn about leadership and this week we explore the theme of Franchising Leadership and our focus scripture is: Acts 15: 2-12.

We will focus on how the leadership of the Apostles set an example for the ways in which we can lead even today.  How could an ordinary fisherman and a murdering Pharisee become the seed by which the church of Jesus Christ sprouts?  Peter and Paul were key leaders in the early church, each powerful in his own way.  Peter’s leadership developed through mentoring by Jesus. The post-resurrection Jesus chose Paul because of his authority and innate ability of persuasion. Church history tells us that Peter and Paul played the most significant roles in its early post-resurrection development. They were responsible for the church’s growth.

Click here to see this week's bulletin including the order of service and weekly announcements:

[gview file="https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-July-15-2018.pdf"]

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