“Jesus on Leadership” – July 22 2018 Bulletin (Order of Service & Announcements)

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This Sunday we will continue to learn about leadership and this week we explore the theme of Jesus on Leadership and our focus scripture is: Matthew 13: 24-33.


This week we will look at "Kingdom Leadership" and what Jesus has to teach us about how to be a leader.  Jesus, in his leadership, was relevant, radical and took risks.   Today, the Church is struggling.  It requires new leadership and direction.  Many feel that the institutional church today has in many ways become socially irrelevant and detached from it's surrounding community.  Many churches are insular, looking inward, rather than outward, and being transformers of culture.  The church needs drastic reform.

Jesus as a leader chose reform.  He challenged the very core of the Hebrew faith to become less legalistic and more faith and person centred.  Jesus was a servant leader who was attuned to human need and reached out in missional ways to meet the needs of those around him.

Jesus worked with the gifts of those around him, his disciples, many of whom became those who carried on the work of growing the church.  He empowered them, through the work of the Holy Spirit, to carry on the reform of the church.

Join us this Sunday to see how we at WPC are called to become Christ-like, radical and relevant leaders who reform the church.

Click here to see this week's bulletin including the order of service and weekly announcements:

[gview file="https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-July-22-2018-for-website.pdf"]

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