We continue our worship series on Speaking Christian and this week it all begins in our homes.
Theme: Together we continue exploring practices of faith @ home. Our faith needs to be interwoven in the fabric of our everyday lives. So let us go and love, laugh and live our faith at home.
This week we continue to explore Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 and will also take a close look at Psalm 78:1-7. Faith is based on from generation to generation, begins at home and needs to be part of our daily lives.
This Sunday, we will gather around the family table in Holy Communion, celebrate family and all the fathers and father figures in our lives who nurture our faith.
Click here to see this week's bulletin including the order of service and weekly announcements:
[gview file="https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-June-17-2018-for-web-1.pdf"]