“Speaking Christian” – May 13 2018 Bulletin (Order of Service & Announcements)

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Can you speak Christian?

Have you ever told anyone “I’m born again?” Have you ever been “saved” or “prayed the prayer?”  Did you ever “get dunked” or announce, “I’m highly blessed”  Ever said: “God told me to do it,” or “I felt the Spirit moving.” or “let pray about it.”

Many of us are bilingual.  We speak a secular language of sports talk, celebrity gossip and current events.  But mention religion and some of us become armchair preachers who pepper our conversations with popular Christian words and trendy theological phrases.

We are learning that many contemporary Christians have become pious parrots. They constantly repeat Christian phrases that they don’t understand or distort.  They speak words that are often empty in order to sound like they fit in.

Christian language has become a stumbling block in our time.  Christians and non-Christians alike seriously misunderstood much of the church vocabulary. This week we begin the "Speaking Christian" series by exploring a ‘worldview’ about who Christians are and what they believe.  

On this special Sunday we also celebrate Christian Family Sunday and Mother's Day and give thanks for all the mothers or people that are like mothers in our our lives.


Click here to see this week's bulletin including the order of service and weekly announcements:

[gview file="https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-May-13-2018.pdf"]

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