WORSHIP CANCELLED – Sunday, March 15th 2020 COVID-19 Update

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Westmount Presbyterian Church Family and Friends:

What follows is an important update regarding Westmount’s overall response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The continuing health, safety and wellbeing of our family of faith is of the upmost importance.

It is our calling as God’s people to worship together on Sunday.  This weekly rite is part of the rhythm of life and faith.  We have determined, in light of the unprecedented events of this week, we must ere on the side of being overly cautious to protect those entrusted to our care.  We believe communal worship as the church is not more important than other communal events or gathering such as schools, community centres, theatres, sporting events, etc.  While we must avoid panic, we feel a sense of civic and moral responsibility to take the most effective preventative action now, including cancelling worship this Sunday March 15th.

In the last 48 hours the progression of the pandemic here in North America has been rapid; therefore, we share the following actions related to our communal life and the church building effective immediately:


  • Worship is cancelled on Sunday March 15th
  • When worship resumes the following protocols will be in place:
    • Social distancing will be implemented at public worship, with people sitting and remaining 1 meter away from other worshippers
    • No passing of the peace and no sharing in the sacrament of Holy Communion in worship
    • No coffee hour/sharing of food in the church building
    • No physical contact in the form of handshakes or hugs are permitted
    • No offering plates will be passed in worship

Pastoral Care

  • No pastoral visits will be scheduled in-person by ministers, elders or visitors (phone contact and email are encouraged)

Church Building

  • All events, meetings and gatherings at the church are cancelled until at least Saturday, March 21st, this includes bible study, choir, team meetings and community groups who use church space
  • We request that anyone who exhibits any physical health symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing) remain at home and does not come to the church for ANY event, worship, meeting, ministry or gathering
  • We request that anyone who has traveled outside the province within the last 2 weeks, or in areas within the province where there is now noted exposure, carefully consider if it responsible and safe for you to attend any event, worship, meeting, ministry or gathering at the church
    • Signs are posted on all church doors with the above 2 requests
  • The food pantry and clothing closet is cancelled on Wednesday March 25th
  • Messy Church is cancelled on Friday April 3rd

Please click on the link below to view and download a letter from WPC leadership related to COVID-19:

[gview file=”https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Westmount-PC-COVID-19-March-13-2020.pdf”]

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