December 17th Weekly Announcements

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Longest Night/Blue Christmas Service: Thursday, December 21 at 7pm

This ‘Blue Christmas’ service is a meditative service centered on remembering the loss of loved ones, to give thanks for life, to acknowledge pain, and to reside in God’s healing love. Dwell in God’s light on this darkest night.

Christmas Eve Services:

Sunday, December 24th at 10:30 am • Family Focused Worship Service

Join us for a family focused worship service of music and interactive storytelling engaging all ages as we relive the sacred night when the Christ-child was born.

Sunday, December 24th at 7pm • Traditional Lessons & Carols Service

Join us as we engage sacred scriptures and sing favourite Christmas carols and gather to adore the Christ-child.

Sunday, December 24th at 8:30pm • Candlelight & Communion Service

Join us as we gather for an intimate candlelit service on this Holy night as we sing and hear the Word come to life, and gather for the Holy meal around Christ’s table.

The Worship Committee will be serving light refreshments between the two evening services.

Ageless Grace Fitness

If you are interested in taking classes in the New Year, please call the office THIS WEEK (by Dec 22). The viability of the class will be decided based on the numbers.

Westmount PC’s Upcoming 50th Anniversary Weekend: May 5 & 6, 2018

SAVE THE DATE: You, no doubt, have begun putting important dates into your new 2018 calendar. Here is another one that we would like you to add. More details to follow in the New Year.

Turquoise Table

As we continue to celebrate compassion, community and hope in the colder weather our turquoise table moves inside.  You are welcome to use the table to sit, have good conversation and good fun.  We celebrate the gifts that God gives us as we open our hearts and our church to the community.  Strangers become friends, and friends become family.  Welcome home!


A Merry Little Christmas (rose 590) by Anita Higman is a good read for adults.  We have many Christmas books and some DVDs for children.  If you have some grandchildren coming over the holiday, stop in and pick up a book or two.

Guatemala Mission Support:

To donate, go through the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s direct partner CEDEPCA  At this link, where it says “To which program or purpose do you want to donate?” type either “AMMID”, “Fraternidad”, or “Francisco Coll” into the “other” category, and the money will be allocated accordingly.

Hope & Encouragement – A Message from the Stewardship Team

2017 has been a terrific year.  Reverend Jeffrey has completed his first full year with us and we are blessed with his leadership and energy.  His blend of innovative and traditional aspects of worship has been appreciated.  We have benefited from Reverend Michael’s pastoral visits and Reverend Courtney’s work with the website, logos and Mission and Outreach Team. We also appreciate Andrea Van Hoeve’s work on Faith Formations.

Many persons are being reached and helped.  Our Food Pantry and Clothing Cupboard has been a terrific success.  Our Hot Dog Days, Vacation Bible School, Turquoise Table, Trunk and Treat Night and Messy Church Nights are reaching out and connecting us with our community.  The Bazaar, Treasure Sale and Garage Sale work tremendously well with our dedicated volunteers and many in our community now know us for these events.

Thank you for your generosity.  Each and every one of you, giving your gifts to the church, in time, talents and resources are truly appreciated.  We invite your help in “Topping Up” your contributions in November and December, enabling us to finish this year financially strong and start off in 2018 on a solid footing.  Westmount is a congregation of generous givers!


2018 Offering Envelopes

If you are a current envelope holder, your 2108 envelopes are ready for pick-up in the Narthex. If you would like a set or wish to discontinue having a set, please contact Connie in the church office. Thank you.

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet:

We are blessed by the strengths God gives us, and we share them with others. We encourage you to bring a food item for others with you each Sunday to worship.

Needed this week: shampoo, bar soap, women’s hygiene, deodorant, paper towels, diapers

(sizes 4 & 5), pasta sauce, fruit cups, puddings, granola bars, dry cereal, cookies, towels.

We will be open Wednesday, Dec. 22 from 1 to 3 pm, but not Dec. 27 or Jan. 3. We will re-open on Jan. 10. There is a sign-up sheet on the door to the room. We invite anyone wanting to sign-up for a week to please do so.  Leaders will greet people, help them fill a bag of food, and assist with clothing.  We encourage you to join us in this transformational ministry.

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