Our Food Pantry is open the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 9am to noon.
We will only service clients in the areas within postal codes N6J and N6K.
In order to be served at each food pantry, clients must now show identification that proves both their NAME and ADDRESS.
Acceptable examples of identification of NAME are:
- - You may volunteer to show your Health card.
- - Certificate of Indian status.
- - Canadian government issued identification such as driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, refugee papers, permanent residency, nexus identification card, record of landing.
Acceptable examples of identification of ADDRESS are:
- - Driver’s license, car registration
- - Bank statement, loan statement, credit card statement
- - Tenancy agreement, mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement
- - Insurance policy
- - Paycheck, tax document, tax bill, utility bill
- - Posted mail
- - Residence permit, affidavit of residency
- - Landline telephone bill
For additional support, Click HERE to learn what supports are available in London and how to access them.
Is the food bank open next week on Thursday is there fresh fruit and vegetables as well
The free pop-up produce market is Thursday, June 20 from 9-11 am.
When is the fresh produce in July
The Pop-up Produce Market will be on July 25th from 9-11am.