Food Pantry Update – April 30, 2020

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This week we had the opportunity to focus our attention as a community of faith on those in the greatest need locally.  As we continue to care for members of our worshipping community, we are also seeking to support those in our Westmount community, especially those who are facing food insecurity and mental health.  For many, this COVID-19 moment has increased need and decreased resources or access to support.   A small group, who engaged in safe physical social distancing, took the following ministry actions this week, on behalf of us all:

  • Phoned some members of our food pantry and clothing closet to check-in.
  • Provided food and basic health items to members of our local Westmount community who we have a relationship with through our food pantry (23 bags of groceries and products were distributed on Wednesday).
  • In partnership with local support agencies, we were able to pack up and deliver a carload full of toiletries and “grab and go” food items from the pantry to My Sisters Place in downtown London. (For those not familiar with the amazing work they do please go to: MY SISTERS’ PLACE WEBSITE or MY SISTERS’ PLACE FACEBOOK PAGE.)
  • The remaining food items in the pantry, mostly canned goods, will be distributed in the days to come through local agencies.

We continue to look for ways to safely support our local Westmount community as we all navigate the current and future realities of COVID-19.  Those who desire to support these specific mission and outreach initiatives are encouraged to make a donation to a local London agency who are meeting basic needs in this moment, such as the London Food Bank, Center of Hope, My Sisters’ Place, or Anova.

Conversations began this week about exploring specific partnerships with community organizations who are safely and effectively providing basic needs.

Image of a hallway with stacks of boxes filled non-perishable food items and toiletry items. Image of black cupboards. The cupboard's doors are open and show that the shelves are mostly empty, with only a few canned items waiting to be cleared out.

These photos show how our Food Pantry cupboards looked on Wednesday after we supported the needs in our wider community, and the boxes we donated to local organizations.

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