“Intergenerational Pentecost Worship” – May 27 2018 Bulletin (Order of Service & Announcements)

May 26, 2018 WPC Communications No comments exist

Join us for a lively Intergenerational Pentecost Worship Service on Sunday, May 27 at 10:30am.  Together through song, drama, and dance we will celebrate the coming of the Spirit to enliven God's people to form the church.  We invite everyone to join in the Spirit and to wear RED, ORANGE or YELLOW.  

God’s Spirit speaks clearly to all hearts that are open. God’s Spirit will speak through young and old, male and female, boys and girls. God’s Spirit in all Creation stirs our souls!

On this Pentecost Sunday we see God working in creation in the actions of scattering and gathering.  The people, who once were at odds with each other, are made one again through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Come, Spirit, come!

Click here to see this week's bulletin including the order of service and weekly announcements:

[gview file="https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-Intergenerational-May-27-2018-for-website-3.pdf"]

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