Baptism of the Lord Sunday – January 12th 2020

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Join us on this Baptism of the Lord SundayJanuary 12th at 10:30am at WPC as we welcome Rev. Dr. Kristine O’Brien, Director at Crieff Hills Communitya Retreat and Conference Centre of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.  

Kristine will be preaching and helping Rev. Dr.  Crawford lead worship.

Kristine studied Music and English Literature at McMaster University before completing a Master of Divinity degree at Knox College, University of Toronto.  After being ordained at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Strathroy, Ontario, Kristine stayed for five years.  She then served Trafalgar Presbyterian Church in Oakville for sixteen years, during which time she earned a Doctor of Ministry with a focus on justice and contemplative practice.  With a long history in camping ministry, including service on two Synod camp boards and two years as the Director at Camp Iona (Bala), Kristine is deeply rooted in the practice of Christian hospitality. She also loves the outdoors and is a passionate gardener which she writes about in her blog,  Kristine shares her life with her husband Pat, who is a funeral director, her four almost grown-up children, and a rescue Airedale named Minnie.  She loves wilderness canoe trips, visiting beautiful gardens, and seeding the occasional flat of kale. 

Find out more about Crieff by clicking on the following link:

The focus scripture for this Sunday is:

Gospel                     Matthew 3: 13-17        

Click below to view the Order of Service for worship:

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