January 14th Weekly Announcements

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Camp Kintail Sunday:

On Sunday, January 21st, join us for some good fun as we welcome members of the staff from Camp Kintail.  Rev. Theresa McDonald Lee, Executive Director will bring the message, and lead with Jeffrey in worship.  Join us as we celebrate our faith and the wonderful ministry of Camp Kintail.  To learn more about Camp Kintail explore: campkintail.ca


You are invited to join us on Sunday, February 18th as we celebrate “Hockey Sunday.”  There will be a special intergenerational worship service that morning, followed by a chilli lunch 11:45am, then a big ball hockey game in the afternoon (12:30-2:30pm), food, and we will watch the Toronto vs. Detroit NHL game together that evening at 7pm.  You are encouraged to wear your favourite team’s hockey jersey to worship.  Invite your friends, family and neighbours as we celebrate together.

Messy Church – Friday, Feb 2nd, Theme: LOVE

You are invited to our next Messy Church on Friday, February 2nd from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. themed on LOVE!  Messy Church is a fresh new way to experience church. It is for ALL AGES and STAGES – whether you are a young family with children, a couple, single, teen, middle-aged, or senior – ALL ARE WELCOME! It is about creating (crafts & games), worshiping (storytelling, drama & music), and sharing a meal and enjoying good company. Imagine a night where you don’t have to make dinner or clean up! Join us and invite your friends, neighbours and friends! We will be learning all about our call to love God and one another and doing lots of heart crafts in preparation for Valentine’s Day!  If you are willing to help with a craft, in worship, in the kitchen, make a batch of spaghetti sauce, or a salad, bake valentine’s cupcakes, or heart shaped cookies, or help with clean up, please contact Rev. Courtney Crawford through the church office.

Desserts Made With Love:

Join us next Sunday, January 21st, in the John Fox Memorial Hall for Desserts Made With Love. Please bring some home baked treats to donate towards the current Kids-to-Kids Mission Project – the Missions of Guatemala. Thank you for your support.

2017 Annual Report:

If your committee or group would like to submit a report to be included in the 2017 Annual Report, you are welcome to do so. Send a couple paragraphs telling us what you had fun doing in 2017. You may attach your report to an email or put it in the body of an email. Only electronically submitted reports will be included. Please send by email to the office by Sunday, February 11th. Thank you.

Westmount PC’s Upcoming 50th Anniversary Weekend: May 5 & 6, 2018

Together we celebrate 50 years of sharing compassion, community and hope.  Westmount began as a community seeking to love people, seeking to serve people, seeking to make the world a better place.  50th years later, we celebrate the lives we have impacted with God’s help, and we are so excited about what the next 50 years will bring- new adventures, new fun and more loving people.   We invite everyone to mark your calendars, and make plans to join in the celebration on May 5th and 6th, 2018.  It will be a time of celebration with excellent music, delicious food, and amazing worship.  Join us!

Ageless Grace

After a break for the Christmas season, Ageless Grace Body/Mind Fitness Classes will resume again on Tuesday, January 16th at 2:00 pm. The cost remains $2.00 per week. Everyone is welcome to join us.  ~ Cindy Knight, Ageless Grace Educator

Food Pantry and Clothing Closet:

We are blessed by the strengths God gives us, and we share them with others. We encourage you to bring a food item for others with you each Sunday to worship.

Needed this week:  Shampoo, bar soap, women’s hygiene, deodorant, pasta sauce, and granola bars. There is a sign-up sheet on the door to the room. We invite anyone wanting to sign-up for a week to please do so.  Leaders will greet people, help them fill a bag of food, and assist with clothing.  We encourage you to join us in this transformational ministry.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Kintail on the Road

Are you ready for fun?  Are you ready for friends?  Are you ready for adventure?  Join us July 23rd to 27th, 2018 for a week of amazing and unforgettable adventure at our Vacation Bible School (VBS).  In 2018, we are thrilled to be partnering with Camp Kintail (campkintail.ca) to offer their sought-after program ‘Kintail On the Road.’  An all-day program for children who have completed JK though grade 6, with an opportunity for older youth to join as Leaders-in-Training (LIT’s).  You are invited to join us for an amazing week of gathering, growing and going together.  Further details online in early 2018 here on the website.

Guatemala Mission:

During the summer of 2017, two of our young adults went to Guatemala as part of a mission exposure tour with The Presbyterian Church in Canada.  When they returned to London, we heard their story, and stories of the people they met.  In response together, we are entering into a relationship with the churches partners in Guatemala to meet human needs and support community.  In particular, we are working to support ‘Fransisco Coll School.’  A school that makes a huge impact in children lives in the poorest area of Guatemala.  We have already received many generous gifts, and we invite and encourage you this Christmas to make a gift to support education and children.  Please mark your donation, or offering envelopes, with the word ‘Guatemala.’  Together we respond, together we make a difference, together we change lives.

Living with Chronic Pain:

This is a free 6-week workshop presented by the South West Local Health Network, beginning on Tuesday, February 20th, here at the church. Please pre-register by calling 855-463-5692 or email info@swselfmanagement.ca

Westmount Gardens – Communion: Wednesday, January 24th

Jeffrey will be leading a communion service at Westmount Gardens on Wednesday, January 24th at 10:30 a.m.  We look forward to sharing God’s Word and this meal together with those who call Westmount Gardens home.

VON Telephone Reassurance Program:

This free program runs Monday to Friday, and is a telephone call made either in the morning or in the evening, providing a security check on clients that may be frail and/or isolated. In the case that clients are unable to be reached, the volunteer making these calls contacts the VON staff and they follow up with contacts to ensure the client is safe. Please contact Leslie Hill, Client Service Coordinator – Communtiy Supports – Middlesex Elgin at 519-659-2273 ext. 3252.

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