Lent 1 – Sunday, March 1st 2020

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Join us on this Sunday, March 1st at 10:30am at WPC as beginning on our Lenten Journey.  The season of Lent is 40 days long, which is good because we have a lot of praying and mending to do. Broken relationships, broken systems, broken promises.  It’s enough to break your heart right in half. But God calls us to take courage, to bind up broken hearts, even our own.  The season of Lent is 40 days long, which is good.  We have 40 days to confess and mend and create a new future together.  40 days to fast from the busyness and keep sabbath. 40 days to build up our strength and help put the world back together again, one stitch at a time. So that together we might rise again with Jesus for the 50 days of Easter, stronger than before, stitched back together, ready to welcome that new and dawning day.

The season of Lent is a time for us to die to our old selves and to be born again.  The Message this Sunday is entitled “Born Again:  A New Heart” and will focus on John 3: 1-17.

Click below to view the Order of Service for worship:

[gview file=”https://westmountchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-March-1-2020.pdf”]

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