News from Session – April 15, 2020

WPC Communications


To the Members/Adherents of Westmount Presbyterian Church:

Session wishes to share with all of you the current staffing status during this unusual time in our church history.

Due to the sudden and significant changes in church operations and revenue at Westmount Presbyterian Church resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire staffing model has been carefully reviewed.

After serious consideration of multiple factors, including several generous emergency financial support programs provided by the Government of Canada, decisions have occurred. Session has determined that the following changes address the best interest of both the employees and the current needs of WPC at this time.

COVID-19 has changed the operations of our church and, in turn, the workloads of employees. We currently do not have the operational need for custodial and administrative staff. As a result, our administrative staff and custodial staff have been laid-off until our circumstances change.

We trust you understand how difficult these decisions have been to make and that they were made after careful deliberation of our current situation.

Our staff are important and valued members of our church community. We are thankful for their commitment and contribution to the life of our church. Please join the Session in their sincere support for our employees at these difficult times.

Further information regarding other WPC staff will be forthcoming.

Yours truly,

Jill Barker

Clerk of Session, Westmount Presbyterian Church

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like a PDF copy of this congregational communication, please contact your Elder, Clerk of Session Jill Barker, or Rev. Jeffrey Crawford.

Rev. Jeffrey Crawford: