News from Session – April 16, 2020

WPC Communications

A Further Update to the Current Staffing Situation at WPC

To the Members/Adherents of Westmount Presbyterian Church:

As operational needs have decreased, our need for digital communication and pastoral care have increased exponentially.  As such, we need both our part-time Minister of Pastoral Care and our part-time Minister of Mission & Outreach. Rev. Michael has been actively supporting our congregation and in particular those who have been finding this to be a difficult time.  He is also supporting members of our community who are experiencing grief and loss.  Rev. Courtney has been active daily on the church website, sending email, and social media communications.  She is also supporting weekly worship as a leader and with technical support.  As you are aware, Graham Adams has resigned as Director of Music and will conclude his time on staff on April 30th.  We thank Graham for his service and send him with God’s blessing.

We project that all faith communities will have an increased need for professional support to both members of our church, and community, who are seeking meaning, hope, and encouragement.  Indeed, we are already experiencing an increased need from our local community.  In moments of crisis and hardship we will be judged by how we respond to the needs of others, in particular the last, the least, and the lost.  We are exploring ways we can be responsible and safe as we support the immediate needs in our local community.

As you may be aware, the Government of Canada has announced generous programs to support organizations like WPC where significant volumes of work continue to be required during this challenging and unprecedented pandemic time. After serious consideration of multiple factors, it is our intention to apply for partial funding for the positions that our Ministers are currently fulfilling.

Session continues to review the needs of our congregation and community and will adjust staffing roles and positions as required in the days and months ahead.

Yours truly,

Jill Barker

Clerk of Session

Good News from Stewardship and Finance

  • 56 pledge forms for 2020 donations received: 36% of last year’s donors and 48% of last year’s dollars. Email your 2020 pledge to with envelope # and 2020 pledge amount.
  • Since March 15, 2020:
    • $2,003 dollars received in website donations.
    • $1,979 in e-transfers to
    • Many cheques coming in by mail. May take some time to deposit and clear your bank. Please be patient with us.