News from Session – January 17, 2021

WPC Communications

News from Session

We are deeply grateful for those in our congregation and neighbourhood who have continued to support local food pantries throughout the pandemic and those who recognize when people are in need, who reach out with meals, warm clothing, a listening ear, and who extend love and gentleness to each other. Thank you for all the ways you serve the community and are the body of Christ.

Finance & Stewardship Update

2020 Charitable Donation Receipts

Thank you for your generous giving during an incredibly challenging year of 2020. Your continued support of our church is truly needed and appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

2020 donation receipts will be distributed on or before January 25, 2021. For those of you with an email address on file, they will be emailed to you on or before January 25th. For those of you with no email address, they will be mailed on or before January 25th.

For any questions regarding your 2020 donation receipt, you can email your question to, where only finance volunteers will see and respond to your email.

2021 Church Envelopes

Church envelopes for 2021 will not be used this year. The main reason for their use is for anonymous donations of cash during in-person services. Since March 2020, members and adherents have been donating by:

  • PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) – monthly withdrawals from your bank account, which is the simplest for you and the church to handle.
  • E-transfers
  • Website donations
  • And mailed cheques – which do not need an envelope since the person’s name is on the cheque.

For any questions and concerns regarding 2021 church envelopes, please email, where only finance volunteers will see and respond to your email.