News from Session – January 31, 2021

WPC Communications

News from Session

Session would like to give great thanks to Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Crawford for his faithful ministry and grace-filled leadership at Westmount. Rev. Crawford began his ministry at Westmount in December 2016 and his last Sunday preaching was on December 27, 2020. He has used his remaining vacation time during January, and yesterday was his last official day at Westmount. We wish we could have expressed our gratitude and said our goodbyes in-person during a Sunday worship service, but we are deeply thankful for Rev. Crawford’s ministry at Westmount and his care for our congregation over these last four years. We wish him every happiness, peace, and success as he and his family embark on their next chapter.

Co-Interim Moderators for WPC

The Presbytery of London has approved co-interim moderators for Westmount during our pulpit vacancy, and they will be assisting Westmount through this transition period as well as providing emergency pastoral care.

Soloists During Worship

In order to help protect against the spread of COVID-19, the Presbytery has recommended that churches do not have soloists or have worship leaders sing at this time. To protect the health of those leading us in worship and recording our church services each week, Westmount has paused having soloists or singing during our recorded worship services. We look forward to sharing our musical talents and singing together again when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we are very grateful for the musical gifts of Donna Sloan, and we hope you are able to join us in singing or humming along to the hymns from home.