News from Session – July 26, 2020

WPC Communications

Session met last Tuesday evening and discussed an interim operational plan for returning to in-person worship.  Both the survey and logistics teams have compiled reports that will impact the path forward.  At this time, Session is exploring a return to in-person worship in the later fall.  Sunday worship will continue to be available online in August and September.  Discussions are ongoing about technology and human resources implications.  At this time the church building remains closed.  The safety of our worshipping and local community remain the most important decision-making factor.  Further updates will be shared in the weeks ahead.

In addition, session made a few changes to the membership roll, and approved Rev. Jeffrey taking two weeks of study leave at the end of August. During these last two Sundays in August, links to other local churches’ worship will be provided and emergency pastoral care will be covered.

Session hopes everyone is staying healthy and finding ways to enjoy the warm summer weather.