News from Session – June 18, 2020

WPC Communications

Congregational Letter

Greetings Westmount Congregation,

The last fourth months have been a challenging time for many and Covid-19 has affected each of us differently.  We have found many ways to continue to care for and serve each other and our wider Westmount and London community in love, even from a distance. We have found new ways to connect and worship together and we continue to hold each other up in prayer.

A great deal of thanks must be extended to all those who continue to work diligently behind the scenes to ensure that everything runs smoothly (or as smoothly as possible) online and that the necessary tasks within the church building are still completed as it is safe to do so. Thank you to all those who continue to support the life and work of the church through prayer and in service and to the many who continue to make financial contributions through your regular offering or via online means.  Together, we will get through this.

What will happen in the future with our church?

Even though we have found new ways to be together while apart, it’s still not the same. We all miss the familiar rhythms of worship and community in-person gatherings. With the easing of provincial restrictions, we all step cautiously into phase two of reopening and many will be wondering about gathering at Westmount as the province has suggested that public worship may be held with an attendance of 30% capacity. The Westmount Session has begun to consider what is required for re-opening: what the public health guidelines require and what best practices are recommended.

What is most important when considering a re-opening?

In all of these discussions, the safety of those who may desire to gather for worship is our prime concern. It is our responsibility to continue to make wise decisions to protect the health of our families, the wider community, and those who are most vulnerable among us.  The London-Middlesex Health Unit has advised the following: “while the Provincial Government has permitted the limited reopening of places of worship, group gatherings carry considerable risk for the spread of COVID-19. Faith leaders are encouraged to carefully consider if they have the ability to provide for a safe return to in-person services prior to doing so.” It is also important to us that we continue to be able to gather together as a community in a way which is as inclusive as possible.

What has Session decided to do about the situation?

With all of that in mind, it is the decision of the Session that the congregation will continue to meet online until at least September.  We believe this is the safest decision at this point.  The Session takes a cautious and measured approach to reopening as we ensure that the necessary procedures and precautions are in place and that appropriate provisions are made so that those who wish to continue joining us for worship from their homes may do so seamlessly as well. We are not alone in this as many congregations faithfully consider their own needs and communities to determine when and how to re-open.  We are learning the majority of mainline reformed churches in Ontario are waiting until the fall to explore meeting in-person.

What will happen over the summer to get ready for a possible Fall re-opening?

Session has established three working groups to focus on the following:

  1. Logistics & Protocols for In-Person Worship Gatherings & Building Use (Chairperson: Cal Bigg)
  2. Evaluating Online Worship Survey Results (Chairperson: Trudy Ball)
  3. Operational Plan to Move WPC Forward (Session Executive)

If you are interested in being part of the conversation, please reach out to the Elder who is chairing the working group.

There is no question that “pandemic fatigue” has set in among us. We’re all tired of this but we are also very aware that many of us, and those we love, are at high risk for complications in the case of infection. We believe that God is calling us to model good, moral, decision-making, which is not born out of fear or impatience, but out of love for each other.

We know that not everyone is able to join us via technology for worship. We understand that these are the realities for some and respect the choices of others. If there is anything that we can do to facilitate your participation with us via technology, please let us know. If you would like service information (prayers, scriptures, sermons, etc.) to be mailed to you, please contact your Elder. If you or your family are struggling, please reach out to me or to an Elder.

I pray that each of us might find some time for Sabbath rest in these summer months. I give God thanks for all your faithfulness and patience.

In Christ,

Rev. Jeffrey Crawford

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