News from Session – March 24, 2021

WPC Communications

News from Session

There have been two frequently asked questions and Session hopes this update can help to answer these questions.

1. When is the church, WPC, going to reopen?

From the beginning of the pandemic, Session has made the decision to err on the side of caution for two reasons. First, many of the members of our congregation are in the vulnerable cohort for the virus and, secondly, there is a very real possibility that we could open and have to close again. Before the pandemic, on any given Sunday, there were more than fifteen volunteers acting as greeters, the safety officer, ushers, the screen operator, the lector, counters and those serving at fellowship time in addition to the choir members, the organist, and the minister. All this was required to ensure that everything functioned smoothly. We do not want to put these volunteers at risk. With restrictions in place which require physical distancing and that masks must be worn, there would be no singing by the congregation or fellowship time afterwards.

Therefore, the answer to the first question is that Session will make the decision to reopen based on numbers of members who have received the vaccine. Meanwhile, online worship services will continue.

2. When are we going to get a new minister?

A church needs permission from Presbytery before it may call a new minister.

As a member of the national Presbyterian Church of Canada, the PCC has certain policies and procedures that Westmount must follow. When a minister leaves a church, Presbytery appoints a committee to interview the leaving minister, the Session, and the congregation. Due to COVID’s constrictions, the congregation was interviewed by circulating a survey in January. The committee assigned by Presbytery summarized the information into a report which recommended, “That the Session and congregation of Westmount Presbyterian Church begin an intentional process to address and develop a unified vision for future ministry, congregational unity, congregational healing and financial stewardship for God’s mission before proceeding to call a minister.”

Therefore, WPC is required to complete some preparatory work before we proceed with a search for a new minister. Session decided that WPC needs some outside help to deal with some of these issues and is looking into some options. The process of the Search will take place several months after that. The answer to the question is that we do not think we will have a new minister in 2021.

Many people consider the church to be the building. The church is really the people worshipping God and carrying out God’s mission in the world. Westmount has the ability to carry on doing this, if this is what the people want and are willing to work together. A minister alone cannot do this. To begin a search, a profile of the church needs to be put together. To do that, we need a unified vision and thus the recommendation.

As the world and our own community continue to face uncertain times, we are reminded of Jesus’ own journey to Jerusalem where he would face betrayal, suffering, and death. In light of what he was about to endure Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Our prayer today is that you and I would remain in Him. While the news and everything around us speaks of trouble, hopelessness, and despair, may the truth of scripture fill us, so that our minds are renewed and at peace, to bring a sense of calm in this anxious world.

Jill Barker, Clerk of Session

Rev. Andrew Thompson, Interim Moderator

If you have any questions, concerns, or input, please reach out to your elder or Clerk of Session Jill Barker. We will continue to share new information in “News from Session” updates.