News from Session – May 16, 2021

WPC Communications

News from Session

Session has received a letter from Rev. Andrew Thompson stating his resignation as Interim Moderator for Westmount Presbyterian Church, for personal reasons and other commitments. This takes effect immediately. Session was saddened to receive this news. We wish him well.

The co-moderators of Presbytery are working on finding a replacement for Westmount. In the meantime, emergency pastoral care will be shared by the co-moderators: Rev. Michelle Butterfield-Kocis at and Rev. Mavis Currie at

Questions re Annual Report 2020

When the Annual Report was sent out, congregants were given the opportunity to ask questions that were submitted.

Q:  What is the status of the rental sign project as there was no amount budgeted for it.

A:  The project will not be going ahead. The company making the request has pulled out. By-laws were creating roadblocks and the advertising scene changed during COVID.

Q: How are things going with Rev Crawford and his family since his move? Hope they are doing well.

A: Rev. Crawford was asked to answer this question and the following is his reply: “The Crawford’s are healthy and well. Jeffrey is busy with ‘teaching’ Nathan and Hannah as part of online school and is engaged in short-term coaching work with the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Courtney is enjoying her role at Knox Waterloo and getting to know the church family online. Nathan and Hannah miss their friends and pray for a return to in-person school in the fall. They are enjoying making new connections in Waterloo.”