News from Session – May 7, 2020

WPC Communications

Westmount Presbyterian Church is a community for experiencing grace, peace, hope, and compassion.  Session recently met online on Tuesday, May 5th and shares the following updates:

1) Session Meetings Online 
Session has met online using Zoom on a regular basis since the beginning of this pandemic, to conduct both emergent and regular business.  As part of our time together we have been checking-in about our families, our neighbours, and all of you.  We regularly share prayer concerns and lift each other up.  Session will continue to meet online.  If you have questions, you are invited to reach out to your elder, Jill Barker-Clerk, or Rev. Jeffrey.

2) Finance & Stewardship Update
We give thanks for the many generous donations that have been received in the midst of this pandemic.  We are stewards by design.  Please note that as our new system of receiving online donations and cheques was put in place, there was a brief delay in items being cashed.  We are grateful for your patience and understanding.  Everything is currently up to date and items received have been deposited into the church bank account.

Session has authorized application to the federal government for both the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) to support funding current staff, and for the Canadian Emergency Business Account loan of up to $40,000 (CEBA).  Our Finance & Stewardship Team is doing much work on our behalf to ensure we are able to claim government programs offered to churches in the midst of this moment of crisis.

3) COVID-19 Current & Future Planning 
As we continue to lead in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are addressing the reality of this moment and looking ahead to the future church.  The world and the church have changed so we are addressing the impact these new realities will have on our ministry, our operation, and our mission.

We continue to prioritize the health and safety of everyone.  Following the directives of the province of the Ontario, London-Middlesex Public Health, and the Presbytery of London, we are exploring what the future will look like.

Session is currently interacting with the questions below, and you are invited to consider them as well.  You are encouraged to share your responses and feedback with your elder in the days ahead:

  • What is the most important aspect of WPC to YOU?
  • What are the church’s challenges in this COVID moment?
  • What are the church’s opportunities in this COVID moment?
  • What will/should worship look like in September or January or next April, if church opens at those times?
  • What are the implications for the church community if the likelihood is an opening at the above timeframes?