News from Session – October 4, 2020

WPC Communications

News from Session

Here are a few highlights of what is ongoing. Additional information will be forthcoming following the October 6th Session Meeting:

  • Development of a plan related to the re-opening of the church building and in-person worship including:
    • A detailed document of protocols to be followed that adheres to provincial and public heath directives.
    • Conversations with our insurance broker to understand risk and liability.
    • A detailed plan for cleaning to ensure the safety of everyone.
  • Enhancement of technology in the sanctuary so worship may be recorded and eventually live-streamed. We have engaged a technology company and ordered equipment that will begin to facilitate the recording of worship from the church.
  • An Implementation Team who met this past week and are working to support the above actions and others, while making plans related to Rev. Jeffrey’s resignation.

If you are interested in volunteering to support the work of the church please reach out to your elder, Jill, or Jeffrey.  In particular, people will be needed on a technology team and a property team in the days to come.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Elder, Clerk of Session Jill Barker, or Rev. Jeffrey Crawford.

Rev. Jeffrey Crawford: