News from Session – September 6, 2020

WPC Communications

Message from Rev. Courtney Crawford

As I transition out of my position of Minister of Mission & Outreach at Westmount Presbyterian Church, I’d like to thank the WPC congregation for the opportunity to serve the congregation and wider community.  It has been a pleasure to witness many in the congregation act on their hearts for mission and sharing God’s love.  In particular, I am deeply moved by those in the congregation who actively responded to the basic needs of those in our community through their leadership of and volunteering at the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet.  It has been fulfilling to expand WPC’s web and social media presence so that we can reach out and communicate through this growing and vital mode of communication.  I am so grateful for all those who passionately gave their time, talents, and resources to support and participate in the Messy Church ministry.  I pray that the congregation, even in the midst of our current pandemic, does not lose sight of Jesus’ calling for us to go out into world and share the Good News with everyone.

Thank you Courtney

We express our thanks and gratitude for all of the ways that Courtney has positively impacted the life of our church and community.  We are grateful for the ways we have re-connected with mission and outreach.  Indeed, Westmount has a long and wonderful history of being committed to serving the needs of our church members and local, national, and international communities.  We also express our thanks for her leading so many communication initiatives, especially her support with digital community, worship preparations, leadership, and video editing during the pandemic.  Her skills and eye for graphics and presentation will be missed.  Courtney has now completed her work and is using accrued vacation time until the end of the month of September.  If you wish to add your thanks, you are welcome to send Courtney an email.