Joy is what we all want. I think I'm safe enough in saying that. But it comes in different forms. Sure, there's jumping on the beach joy. And the more…
Here’s one of the more controversial things Jesus said: “Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.” As we light the candle…
The candle is lit. The season of Emmanuel has come. God with us. Love with us. The Spirit of Hope and Peace and Light with us. What could be more…
This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. It's a call to all of us, whatever our spiritual persuasion is. Take whatever good things you have, be it…
What a weekend at Westmount church! We had our big bazaar yesterday and today we present our long awaited The Technicolour Promise - our very first music theater group!…
Pink Floyd’s “Money.” I’d put this in the top ten best rock songs of all time. “Money. It’s a hit. But don’t give me that do goody good . .…
In this service we remember our veterans. And together we ask this question: What's worth fighting for? How about Peace? That's what they all fought for. Peace. But still, the…
We love our superheroes. Batman, The Justice League, Black Panther, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy. It's a long list. The 4 Spiderman films of the last 7 years have grossed…
How, you ask? Why don't we start with the Mahatma Gandhi quote: "As one person I cannot change the world. But I can change the world of one person." Not incidentally…
Thanksgiving becomes Thanksliving. How? Two of my all time favourite quotes: "Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone." Andy Stanley "As one person I cannot change…