5 Comments on “Sin & Salvation: Transforming the Heart

  1. Wonderful Sermon Rev. Jeffrey. I am moved to do something right now to help people worse off than myself. But what? There are so many people in different situations and countries. Nevertheless, I shall do something if I can. Thank you for your message. May God Bless you and your family.

  2. So good to hear an uplifting message from our minister as we are bombarded by news organizations
    with updates on the virus. Longing for the other side of this to become apparent.

  3. How great to hear such a wonderful message of faith and hope!
    I was feeling quite down until I heard Rev, Jeffrey’s message today.
    I am going to look up 10/ members in the church directory who may be alone or lonely
    and call them early this evening so that I may help just a little bit in this deluge of statistics and
    God will bring us through this rough and scary time. We will pray and have faih. Our hopes will be
    answered in His time!

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