Stewards of Creation/Jane Doe
November 17, 2019

Stewards of Creation/Jane Doe

Passage: Genesis 2: 4b-9, John 15: 9-17

Bible Text: Genesis 2: 4b-9, John 15: 9-17 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Crawford | God has formed us all as naturally creative resourceful and whole – may we live into the fullness and goodness of God.  Each one of us was created with a purpose.  At birth, we were named, both by our parents and by God.  We are stewards, keepers, caretakers of the things that God has given us. This also means we are called to care for and love each other, ensuring that no one is lost, left out, or forgotten.  We are stewards of each other.  We are called to reach out in love to everyone ensuring that God’s love includes everyone.

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