WPC January 26 2025
Jesus tells us to build our house on a rock. He doesn’t recommend sand because sand is soft and could never provide a strong foundation. Seems like good advice.
The disciples weren’t sure exactly what he meant. Even though Jesus had been a carpenter in a prior life they suspected he was talking in metaphor. So they asked him, and his answer was easy enough to understand.
He said “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on a rock.”
You mean, showing up for the sermon isn’t enough?
“Hearing is good”, Jesus said “but doing is even better. Love each other is the best place to start.”
Join us in person at 10:30am if you’re in London or at this link anytime after as we continue to work on this goal together. All are welcome. And when we say “all”, we mean “ALL”.