Letter from Interim Moderator – February 14, 2021

WPC Communications

Letter from our Interim Moderator, Rev. Andrew Thompson:

In the Presbyterian Church in Canada, when one minister completes his/her service in a congregation, the Presbytery appoints an Interim Moderator to come alongside and assist the congregation with pulpit supply, emergency pastoral care support, and moderating session.

I have been appointed to serve as the Interim Moderator for Westmount Presbyterian Church with a focus on the congregation and session. As Interim Moderator, I will arrange for Sunday Pulpit Supply, work closely with session and provide pastoral care as needs arise.

A little about me: I have been a minister for 10 years and am currently serving in Knox-St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Dutton, ON. I have four busy young children and a beautiful wife.

This is a pivotal time in the life of Westmount where you are not only navigating what it means to be church in the middle of a pandemic, but also Westmount’s future in light of the completion of a former minister’s service. I want you to know that I am thinking and praying for the members and friends of Westmount and I look forward to walking alongside you during this time of transition as we take steps of faith together into the future that God has prepared for Westmount.

With love and prayers,

Rev. Andrew Thompson

Rev. Andrew Thompson can be contacted for emergency or urgent pastoral care matters. He can be reached by email at andrewthompson3@outlook.com.