WPC Annual Report 2020

WPC Communications

On April 28, 2021, the 2020 Annual Report was emailed to congregants. Thank you to all those who contributed to this report and for sharing this information.

Normally, congregants are given an opportunity at an Annual General Meeting to ask questions. The plan is to hold an AGM once restrictions are lifted and more people are completely vaccinated. At an AGM, everyone has the opportunity to ask a question, and then all in attendance hear the answer. Until then, Session would still like congregants to have their questions answered. For now, people are invited to submit their questions at the office email (office.westmountpc@gmail.com) with the subject heading “Annual Report.” Questions will be collected for a week, and then the answers will be distributed in another mass email.

If you would like a copy of the annual report sent to you, please contact your elder or Clerk of Session Jill Barker. You can also contact the office email (office.westmountpc@gmail.com) to request a copy. This email is being regularly monitored.